Dine on time retailer acquisition site


Design for the Dine On Time app program information site

This site was intended to educate and acquire retail tenants for our in-mall food ordering platform that went live to 4 centres across US, UK, and AU.

Project Goals

  • Create a portal that allows food retailers in our centers to sign up for our new food ordering program

  • Communicate the benefits of partnership for our food ordering program using new Dine On Time brand design language

Role and Responsibilities

  • Visual Designer/UI Designer

  • Created layout and site assets such as hero images and iconography

  • Provided site documentation and developer tear-sheets

  • Worked with engineer daily to assure correct implementation of design

How we worked together

I worked with the lead designer of the Dine On Time mobile app to ensure that the brand of the app would be accurately represented in the retailer on boarding experience. After designs were approved from stakeholders and the lead designer, I worked with the lead engineer to implement the designs into our responsive framework.   

Dine On Time splash screen

Dine On Time home screen


So, what happened?

We launched the site and a pilot program initially in San Francisco, then in the UK to test the service and gather data. To be honest, there were a lot of headaches. Some of our biggest issues were inconsistent participation from our individual retailers. Another source of headaches was the API platform that we were in contract with. After the initial plague of bugs and restaurant employees forgetting to look at their order tablets, the system started smoothing out nicely. We were able to gain good insight on product viability. Two years later, the company scrapped the food ordering product, citing the competition like Grub Hub and Order Ahead were far ahead in the game and would not be worth competing.


Some key insights

  • There was definite interest in food ordering capability for food retailers within our malls. However, when put to practice, the business model was not sustainable

  • You can't just focus on the consumer facing product, you have to pay as much attention to it's business facing counterpart as well.

Actions taken

  • Being that this site was successful in acquiring almost 100% of the retailers, there was not much iteration that happened with this site.