Digital Suite of Services Research


Research in London for our new premiere service offering

We strategized and created a comprehensive research plan to interview users in London at one of our iconic centers. We used foundational research from Acorn Research to get a footing on what we would be testing. We conducted a series of activities asking visitors to prioritize features and respond to our ideas, including concepts and themes from early design work. We also facilitated visitors through activities to generate new ideas of how to organize and navigate content, tasks, activity, & products (i.e. the ‘interaction model’ for the app).

Project Goals

  • Get insight directly from mall visitors and staff about possible offerings

  • Validate future design concepts for the Westfield app with premium features

Role and Responsibilities

  • UX/UI Designer

  • I worked on a small team of high performing designers to help determine the concepts for testing based on established research from our centers

  • Research asset creation such as concept screens, worksheets, and documentation

  • Support for research team in London with daily communication

How we worked together

I was part of a team of 3 high performing designers. We were tasked to develop the strategy for testing the concepts for our premiere service offering and shopping app in our iconic London center. We took over a conference room and created the war-room we would spend night and day in. We only had 4 weeks to develop concepts and a plan to test with users and staff. The concepts we built were based on research from Acorn Research, a research firm based in Dubai, and internal Westfield data/reports. The team then went to London for a busy two weeks. I supported them from our HQ in San Francisco, acting as their main point of contact here, while providing any assistance I could with assets reporting.

Our war room

A lot of sketches

So, what happened?

The team came back with some amazing findings. Some of our assumptions had been confirmed, like that our shoppers have modes, and it was impossible to base our product off of one persona or archetype. They came back with video interviews, co-design exercises, shadowing session documentation, and great insights about our users and the way they interact with our malls. The data was synthesized and communicated with the broader team. We are now planning how to implement the first set of iterations to our app and test in the live markets.

Some key insights

  • The typical shopper is not a 34 year old, professional woman in a rush. There are many types of shoppers and modes they can fall into depending on time of year/week/day

  • Shoppers want to see content relevant to them and their behaviors while using our app. "Show me offers from stores I like, and similar, not ALL the deals in the mall".

  • Each of Westfield shopping centers, while under a parent brand, are not seen as 'Westfield' centers, but their own individual brand. The app should be scalable and reflect the brand and feel of each center

Actions taken so far

  • Strategy on implementation of the first iteration is under way

  • A thorough audit of our digital offerings across platforms

  • Re-thinking the in-center digital directories with a more refined set of user goals in mind

Other Designers

Saad Ansari, Amir Bahadori